Tuesday, March 4, 2008

We want to thank a few folks

We want to take a moment to thank a few folks that have been behind us from the start on this project.

First is Dr. Richard (Dick) Root, DVM. He has made himself available from day one. The mustang arrived with a swollen knee and a bit of a club foot on the same leg. Dr. Root was there to examine the leg and give him a check up. Dr. Root has donated his time and services to include x-rays of the knees, medical advice, supplement advice and support from the get go. Dick is an avid horseman who has worked with Ruben for several years. Ruben, having done a good amount of endurance riding and always finished in the Top 10 in both time and Best Condition , has trained Dick's endurance horses and works with Dick on technique. It is always kind of funny to see Dick (not a spring chicken), tell his horse to "park" so he can get into the saddle. Dick is a firm believer in Ruben's training and often/usually rides in a bosal from Ruben. As a horseman and as a Veterinarian, it is rewarding to see his belief and trust in Ruben's training philosophy and methodology. His support is very much appreciated.

Nutrena has been very helpful with advice, conditioning charts and feed for the mustang. Ruben feeds Safe Choice to his horses in training to include the mustang. In the first month the mustang grew one inch in height and is filling out and building muscle daily. Safe choice offers a feed "scientifically balanced for horses in all life stages—and carefully designed for simplified feeding, added safety and superior nutrition". The mustang also gets Empower, a supplement for performance horses. Empower is added to make sure the mustang gets the Omega-3 and 6 he needs as well and the trace minerals from organic sources needed, including selenium and Vitamin E as anti-oxidants, which are lacking in the soil and grass forages in the Pacific Northwest. You can learn more about Nutrena, their products and equine nutrition at their web site: http://www.nutrenaworld.com/PageTemplates/HorsePortal.aspx

Ruben teaching the horse to cross over the front end (spin) on day four of training.

Last, but not least, is Pegasus EquiCare, Inc. Pegasus Air Boots are used on the mustang for a few reasons. They are comfortable, easy to apply and remove, reduced sweating under them, easily washed and, most importantly they give the support/protection needed. With a slight club foot and recovering from a knee injury, we wanted to provide the mustang with the support and protection needed while he finished healing and learned he has four feet, where they are and how to move them to maintain balance and move properly. We find Pegasus Air Boots fit the bill. The photos are from the fourth day of training. The mustang was a bit unsure and apprehensive when the first (right) one went on, but then stood perfectly still while the second was applied. Since that day he has accepted them without reservation. They have have taken a beating and that is because the mustang, like many horses being taught how to move properly, often hit themselves as they cross over in the front end. Again, Pegasus Air Boots provide that protection! If we can do it, we will post a video of Ruben fitting the boots for the first time. Eric has seen it as has some of his customers. You can visit Pegasus at The New Spirit HOME PAGE

Thank you akk for your support!