Thursday, March 27, 2008
Let's try video again!
He's Back!
We are making plans for the actual trip to Madison. We are still looking for sponsors to assist in travel expenses. Presently it is looking like the cost of fuel alone will be over $2,000 round trip. It is not too late to be part of the Midwest Mustang Makeover 2008!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Thank You Hands On Horses!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Interested in Bidding on the Mustang at the Auction?
We would like to offer to those between the west coast and Madison, WI a chance to bid on the mustang. We will be back hauling Diana and Gerwyn Jones's Polish Arabia stallion (Shalwyn Arabians, Walla Walla, WA). Ruben will be riding Shadow in the Dancing With Horses exhibition at the Midwest Horse Expo. Should you be the highest bidder, we will also back haul the mustang for you.
If you would like to bid on the mustang, we will carry your bid to Madison. This way, you are represented at the auction and not have to pay an unknown agent to act for you. If you were to be the high bidder, you would not have to find a shipper and spend the high cost of shipping. We anticipate gas will cost approximtely $2,000 to drive to and from Madison.
How does this benefit you? You could be sending a bid for the winning horse in the Midwest Mustang Makeover 2008. First, you have the opportunity to see this horse in training and be familiar with it. You are buying a horse you know. Second, you have the rare opportunity to bid on a horse trained by Ruben. I cannot say at this time if the horse will need additional training for what the future owner may have in mind for the horse. I can say the horse will be very ridable and safe. Ruben will, as he prfers to do with all the horses he trains, provide riding lessons to the buyer at the HWD facility for a few days so the rider understands how the mustang was trained and how to cue the horse. He will have been exposed to more things than most horses available for sale ANYWHERE. You can refer to an earlier post to what he has done and/or been exposed to at only five weeks of training. You can save in shipping costs. We will be arriving in Benton City, WA 4-5 days after the close of the Expo.
What are the benefits? You get a horse that has already been through a rigorous 100 days of training that you will not have paid for. You will always be able to call on Ruben if you have questions or concerns. You will be buying a symbol of the American West that is NOT wild.
And maybe most important of all, we will act as your agents and we have a vested interest in the horse and will watch out for your best interests monetarily and the horse's interests should you be the high bidder.
The bottom line is you could easily make a bid of a few thousand dollars and be money ahead for what you would get in return. If you are interested in bidding, please contact Ruben.
First Trail Ride of the Year Sunday
If you make it to the ride, please say hello and visit with us. Ruben, family and friends will be riding together. For details, you can call Horesmen's Western Dressage.
Happy Trails!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
We want to thank a few folks
First is Dr. Richard (Dick) Root, DVM. He has made himself available from day one. The mustang arrived with a swollen knee and a bit of a club foot on the same leg. Dr. Root was there to examine the leg and give him a check up. Dr. Root has donated his time and services to include x-rays of the knees, medical advice, supplement advice and support from the get go. Dick is an avid horseman who has worked with Ruben for several years. Ruben, having done a good amount of endurance riding and always finished in the Top 10 in both time and Best Condition , has trained Dick's endurance horses and works with Dick on technique. It is always kind of funny to see Dick (not a spring chicken), tell his horse to "park" so he can get into the saddle. Dick is a firm believer in Ruben's training and often/usually rides in a bosal from Ruben. As a horseman and as a Veterinarian, it is rewarding to see his belief and trust in Ruben's training philosophy and methodology. His support is very much appreciated.
Ruben teaching the horse to cross over the front end (spin) on day four of training.
Thank you akk for your support!